Managing consumer referrals and health information may seem straightforward; however, with disparate systems and complex consumer needs, finding the right match can be challenging.
The world of case management has changed, and the shift towards an outcomes-based approach means that personalizing case management services has become more imperative than ever. It is no longer one-size-fits-all.
By tailoring inputs to the needs of the individual or population being served, the outputs can be greatly improved, resulting in better services across the board.
Organizations have a tremendous challenge handling their clients’ cases across a wide array of services. Acting as the point person for dozens of different community service providers and agencies means effectively meeting client tracking standards for diverse stakeholders, while maintaining a high level of accuracy in data collection.
Our CCP system is an enterprise-level, client-centered application for the planning and coordination of services across multiple departments and community providers, resulting in improved quality of care and outcomes, elimination of duplicative services, reduction in administrative overhead, increased financial accountability, and strict adherence to compliance.
CCP facilitates client tracking, allowing organizations to focus on quality improvement in their actual service delivery, yielding better outcomes. In addition to helping improve the case management process by simplifying the necessary data entry and collection, the system also manages much of the back-end reporting.

Our platform approach uses best practices and Microsoft Dynamics CRM technology to provide organizations with flexibility in meeting user-specific requirements for unique standards and protocols. Ease-of-use, interoperability and flexibility are among the most significant advantages of the Dynamics foundation.
From its open-architecture and its native integration with Microsoft Outlook, to an intuitive Web-based user interface accessible across a myriad of Internet-connected devices, CCP leverages the use of today’s advanced technologies to automate your staff’s administrative, clinical and financial tasks.
Our solution helps coordinate all facets of the continuum of care and planning process, defining and mapping highly complex workflows, and creating and monitoring communications at all levels of transition. Triggered alerts keep users on task. And should any link in the recommended continuum of care seemingly fail, CCP even notifies the initiating provider so that appropriate follow-up can occur.
At the same time, the Integrative system is designed with security in mind to protect the most sensi- tive and privileged consumer information. CCP provides the technologies, tools and functionality needed to deliver a unified, secure electronic health record and human service enterprise management solution.
Our platform’s multidisciplinary approach to case management empowers organizations and their stakeholders, providers, case managers and clients (and their circle of support) across every sort of care setting. Our proven solution supports the four essential pillars of case management.
CCP is:
- Consumer-centric, placing the client at the center of care, responding to their needs
- Dynamic, enabling the seamless coordination of services as they change with client requirements
- Balanced, eliminating duplicate and unnecessary services by ensuring appropriate support
- Accountable, continuously monitoring and evaluating care and progress
Without the administrative burden of managing copious amounts of data, organizations can move beyond case management to focus more on continuous quality improvement. Care coordination is how organizations best achieve their mission to deliver appropriate services to the appropriate individuals and improve clinical, financial and operational outcomes.
Social work case management has traditionally been fraught with challenges and complexities with few good solutions. Today’s health care information technology has changed all that. Utilizing software and programs to help manage services and tracking frees up staff to focus on what is truly important: serving their clients and communities.
Integrative is a Health and Human Services software company that provides innovative solutions to connect, collaborate and coordinate care, bill, report and manage services across and among Health and Human Services agencies, including Public Health, Behavioral & Mental Health, Early Intervention, Foster Care, IDD, Education, Justice & Correctional, Community Providers, and the patients and consumers which they serve. Integrative is a Harris Healthcare Company. Learn more at